Biking in Wichita

Our Local Rides page has information on where to ride and who to ride with.

Image is for Bike Commute Promotion
Bike Grocery-Getting

Car-Lite Commuting

More than 40% of the trips we make are within 3-miles of our home and with the reduced traffic on the streets, now is the perfect time to try living more car-lite. Whether walking or bike commuting to the grocery store, to work, or for running errands…you may be surprised how much money and wear-and-tear you can save by leaving your vehicle at home (better yet, get rid of one to save hundreds on insurance, registration & maintenance).

Be sure to check out our Commuting Webinar video on Youtube. Interested in having a seasoned bike mentor help you find safe routes, talk gear, and answer your questions? Email to request a Bike Buddy!

On Street Bike Lanes20140930_083228 (Small)

Wichita now has many more miles of on street bike lanes, thanks to progress on the Bicycle Master Plan. As of fall 2015, there are lanes marked on 1st and 2nd from Edgemoor through downtown to Seneca; Market and Topeka from Mt. Vernon to 21st; and on Mt. Vernon near the Ark River. Many more lanes are planned, so be watching for these!


The Greater Wichita Bike Map shows bicycle paths, lanes, and bike friendly streets throughout the Wichita area. The City of Wichita also has bike maps from years past, interesting to see the growth in our city’s commitment to cycling.

Printed copies of the Greater Wichita Bike Map, at one time, were available at many locations in Wichita, KS, including: city hall, neighborhood city halls, libraries, parks, and bicycle shops.  However, if hardcopies are not always available, the City of Wichita has online downloadable .pdf maps at their website.  Visit the City of Wichita website’s MAP webpage.

Also, consider contacting the City of Wichita, Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Board, and your District Advisory Board to communicate for these hard copy maps.

Bike Parking

Recently the city installed bike racks at all bus stops. While these may not be the most convenient racks to use, they are a visible part of the biking infrastructure. Other parts of town such as Downtown and Delano have installed nicely designed bike racks (see photo). More and more businesses are installing bike racks as part of the Bike Friendly Business designation.

Bicycle Boulevards 

A Bicycle Boulevard (sometimes referred to as a “quiet street”) is a low-speed and low-volume on street bicycle route shared with vehicles that include extra markings and improved crossings at major streets to encourage safe bicycle travel. Bicycle Boulevards are coming to Wichita, including Woodchuck, connecting Sedgwick County Park to University Avenue; Armour and Douglas, connecting Gypsum Creek Path to the K96 path; Schweiter Drive over Kellogg to connect up with WSU. Sycamore St, starting at Sycamore and Douglas and going south to Orient.

Featured Bike Paths


Presented By: Bike Walk Wichita
April 6, 2025
10:00 am
April 27, 2025
1:00 pm

What's New

Bikes and Building the Community
Engineers Without Borders Visits ReCycle It’s not uncommon that The ReCycle Shop receives requests for hosting groups to come in and work on bikes, but rarely is a group interested in an ongoing commitment to help. Enter Emma Radford, a... Read More
2025 BWW Board of Directors Application
Bike Walk Wichita’s Board of Directors is active, engaged, and critical to our decision-making process and the success of our organization! Are you interested in helping BWW thrive and grow? Bike Walk Wichita is accepting applications to serve on the Board of... Read More
BWW Advocacy – September
The Advocacy Group had a productive meeting on September 3rd, 2024. The main goal of the meeting was to identify what issues individual members were most interested in and willing to pursue. The group identified two areas that they wanted... Read More

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Awarded Platinum Bicycle Friendly Business