Let’s educate our leaders and community

Bike Walk Wichita strives to create a safer and more active built environment for our community. By encouraging people to enjoy the outdoors through biking, running and walking, Bike Walk Wichita is helping to improve the health of our city. Be sure to check out our Bike 101 page as well as Bike Locally and Walk Locally pages. Consider signing up for one of our Bike Skills classes. You can also download city maps showing bicycle and walking facilities.

Bike1[1]And as an increasing number of people participate in biking, running and walking, the need for safety education is on the rise. From raising awareness about state and local laws to encouraging the use of safe and proper equipment, education takes on many different forms.

Bike Walk Wichita promotes safe and smart activity by encouraging cyclists to wear helmets and follow the rules of the road. Motorists and cyclists are reminded of their obligation to Share the Road, and pedestrians are encouraged to use sidewalks and crosswalks.

kids fitting helmetsBut the most important education Bike Walk Wichita promotes is for the youth in our community. The future of our city lies within the generations to come, and Bike Walk Wichita provides a valuable resource for parents, schools, and our community. Healthy and happy kids make a healthy and happy community.

How can you help?

The most valuable resource Bike Walk Wichita can utilize to educate the public is within its members. Taking the time to show a child how to ride a bike safely, or how to get to school using the sidewalks is an important part of our mission. Being out in the built environment helps to raise awareness within our community about the importance of living an active lifestyle.

What’s new in Education

  • Bikes and Building the Community - Engineers Without Borders Visits ReCycle It’s not uncommon that The ReCycle Shop receives requests for hosting groups to come in and work on bikes, but rarely is a group interested in an ongoing commitment to help. Enter Emma Radford, a... Read More
  • African Refugees Receive Bicycles - BWW ReCycle and the International Rescue Partnership Prove Essential Recently last December, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) brought three women to Bike Walk Wichita (BWW) to pick out and receive bicycles. This group of women was originally from the Democratic... Read More
  • Le Tour 2023 - Bike Walk Wichita is hosting our summer thank you social for BWW Sponsors and Members+ who are propelling BWW’s mission forward! Join us for an evening social with food, drinks, and BWW friends. During the casual gathering, we will share... Read More

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