Advocacy Alert – Take Action






Want to provide input on design plans, zoning updates, and funding priorities? Here are several ways to make your voice heard!

City of WichitaMarch 6th 5:30-7pm Public Meeting for the Places for People project to improve the Established Central Area of town. Can’t make it to the meeting, take the survey.

WAMPOMarch 7th 11:30-1pm – Special Meeting to provide input on the MOVE 2040 long range transportation plan.

Douglas Design District – Vision 2020 design plans will make DDD more pedestrian-friendly.

Nov 6, 2018 – Our advocacy efforts have paid off! Click here for the latest on the DDD redesign!

State of Kansas – The Negligent Driving bill is still being worked and will hopefully come up for a vote in the Senate. Stay tuned for alerts.

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