Air Capital Memorial Park Mountain Bike Trail Meeting Tuesday

Here’s a message from our good friends at Lees Bike Shop:

Special News

We Need Your Support for The Air Capital Memorial Park Mountain Bike Trails!!

We have been informed that the City of Wichita City Council will be reviewing the shared use agreement for the Air Capital Memorial Park Mountain Bike Trails next Tuesday.

Place:  City Hall – 455 North Main, Council Chambers
Date:    Tuesday, May 8th 2012
Time:    Approx. 9:00 AM Wichita, KS 67202

If the Council approves the agreement then design and construction can start on the property. So please help!!!!

If you are not familiar with the project:

Air Capital Memorial Park is a 10 acre plot of park land south east of Kellogg and Maize Road and west of Pawnee Prairie Park.  The Kansas Single Track Society has agreed to develop the land as off road/single track trails for bicycle and pedestrian use.  A two mile loop is possible.  The City of Wichita Park Board has approved the land use and our next step is City Council approval.  Many people have shown their support by attending presentations and calling or writing their City Council member.

Please show your support so Wichita can have a legal place, within the city limits, to ride bicycles off road.

Thank You!!

13303 W. Maple #119, Wichita, Kansas  316-978-9623

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