AmeriCorps Volunteers working on Rail-Trail

Eleven AmeriCorps NCCC volunteers arrived April 23rd. We have invited them as our special guests of Bike Walk Wichita for the Kansas premiere for the movie “Inspired to Ride” in Wichita on April 30th.

We are sharing them with AARTI (Andover Augusta Rail Trail Initiative) as they work on the Redbud Trail. They will be here for 13 weeks, John Moore will be coordinating their work schedule

To help our AmeriCorps volunteers out with the food budget (each member gets $4.26 day for food) Bike Walk Wichita is participating in a food drive at our movie. Feel free to bring non-perishable food like rice, beans, peanut butter and jelly, nuts, dried fruit; but also frozen and fresh foods as well, they’ll have a cooler with them. They cook their own meals and would appreciate good healthy food to work with.

If you are aware of any free entertainment opportunities, (shows, events, etc or wants to sponsor the team please let us know and we will forward to them.

The potential of getting the trail mostly done by the end of the summer is exciting!

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