Andover Redbud Trail Opening Ceremony -7/16

This hugely anticipated milestone has taken more than two years of preparation and is finally going to be officially opened on July 16th 2015. A ribbon cutting ceremony will be held at 6pm at the Andover Road intersection with the trail to commemorate the hard work put in by all contributing professionals and organizations.

Bike Walk Wichita will be riding to the event, starting at the Canal Route beginning of the Redbud Trail Wichita. Its paved to Woodlawn, from where we have several options. Keep watching our Facebook page and emails for meetup/departure times. Which route would you prefer? Email with your preference. Here’s the Facebook page for the event.

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  • jack says:

    I plan to ride from Woodlawn on the “soon to be developed” gravel part of the Redbud. Barry and others will be leaving from the start of the Redbud near Hydraulic and Murdock at the Canal Route Bridge. He and Kim plan to ride the K-96 path, not sure on departure times yet. Gravel from Woodlawn to Andover takes 20-30 min, so meet at Redbud and Woodlawn at 5:25?

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