Bicycle/Pedestrian proposed funding cut – contact County Commissioners today!

As you have heard, Sedgwick County Commissioners have proposed funding cuts that will eliminate funding ($155,000) for the Metropolitan Area Planning Dept (MAPD) that could result in the loss of staff dedicated to implementing the Master Bicycle & Pedestrian Plans, serves as the liaison between City/County departments, and much of the progress we have enjoyed the past few years!

Additionally, proposed cuts will eliminate or reduce funding for the Zoo, Exploration Place,the arts council, Health Department services, and many more drastic cuts that will impact our quality of life and stifle the local progress we have been enjoying lately.

The budget could be balanced without these proposed extra cuts! Contact County Commissioners with your input.

Supportive Commissioners have proposed 3 simple solutions to consider:

  1. Bond the roads like before. Gives time to have community discussion and input before such drastic changes. Also gives people and organizations time to plan and prepare.
  2. Delay the additional projects for one year. Gives people and organizations time to plan and prepare.
  3. Do some combination – could delay and/or reduce proposed cuts and spend a little from the reserves or bond.

Email, Call and leave a message, Attend the Open Forum (8/6), write a Letter to the Editor/call the Opinion Line, share on Social Media, ask friends to join the conversation today!

316-660-9300 – County Commission Office
Dave Unruh or @DaveUnruhSedgCo
Tim Norton or @TimNortonSC
Karl Peterjohn or @KarlPeterjohn
Richard Ranzau
Jim Howell or @Howell4KS

The next County Commission Forum will be held on the 3rd floor of the Sedgwick County Courthouse, 525 N. Main, Aug 6th @ 6pm. They will vote on Aug 12th @ 9am.

Join us to show your support at the Final Friday Quit The Cuts event this Friday, July 31st!

Old Town Square, 5:30pm Rally followed by the Final Friday Art Crawl

Make a statement on your bike, stroller, or shirt. Take (or have people take your photo) and share it on social media. Please share photos with us by sending them to and share on Facebook!
#BikeWalkWichita  #QuitTheCuts  #SedgwickCounty

Share your other ideas with us!

Thank you for advocating for a better community. It takes all of our voices!

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