Capital Campaign: The First Mile

BWW is excited to announce the launch of our Capital Campaign to fund a new building and permanent home for BWW headquarters.

What began a decade ago as a resident-led, volunteer organization dedicated to turning Wichita into a bike/walk mecca, has grown into a thriving organization that has proven itself as an essential service for our community.

The demand for our services has increased by leaps and bounds over the last four years. The COVID-19 pandemic made these services more vital than ever, but we have run out of space. We’re busting out at the seams of our current building with activity, with no room to grow. 

Due to this growth, BWW feels it is time to grow the organization. Our greatest need is for a larger, permanent home where we can simultaneously operate all our programs, while also expanding ReCycle Shop. 

Through the Capital Campaign, our goal is to raise $400,000 in community contributions for a larger, permanent home for our new headquarters. Attaining this goal will allow BWW to:

  • Expand ReCycle Shop Services
  • Expand Educational Programs and Classes
  • Expand Staffing & Volunteer reach
  • Amplify resident voices on development and infrastructure projects.
  • Position BWW to be more self-sustaining through ReCycle and grant opportunities.

Our new headquarters will be specifically designed to house multiple operations simultaneously—classes, ReCycle shop, programming, outdoor and vendor space—and help us grow to better serve the community.

We are asking the community for a substantial investment in the future of Bike Walk Wichita so we can continue our work for generations to come. 

The First Mile

To reach this goal, BWW is rolling out the Capital Campaign in phases. The First Mile of our campaign launched this summer in July, and will continue through the end of September. The goal is to raise $20,000 in the First Mile.

The First Mile will be executed through a series of events, fundraisers, and online campaigns that offer the community a variety of ways to give towards this cause, laying the foundation for our new home. 

The First Mile launched on July 14 at Le Tour, an event at Public at the Brickyard in Old Town with our Members+ and sponsors. It was a lovely evening to share our bold initiative with some of our biggest supporters and allies, asking for their support on the miles ahead. BWW added 10 new Members+ from the event and made some amazing connections. Thank you Members+ and sponsors for your support. 

BWW Members+ and Sponsors gather on the patio of Public at the Brickyard in Old Town for Le Tour party.

Lucky’s Everyday in Douglas Design District hosted the First Annual Slow and Steady Charity Ride on August 1. The turnout was amazing, with 65 riders joining the event! Proceeds from a raffle that included a New Belgium Fat Tire cruiser bike and other prizes were made as a First Mile donation to the Capital Campaign. The event raised $2430 towards the cause, making Lucky’s Everyday the first business to make a donation on the First Mile. Thank you, Lucky’s Everyday for your support.

Lucky’s Everyday Slow & Steady Charity Ride. More than 65 people joined the 5 mile ride to Watson Park and back, raising $2430 for the First Mile of BWW’s Capital Campaign.

Bike Walk Wichita is prepared for growth in the decades to come, and we are here for the long haul. We need the support of the entire Wichita community to get us to our new destination. 

Journey this First Mile with us.

Follow this link to make your donation to the Capital Campaign:

Stay tuned for future First Mile events, which include an online fundraising campaign, and other events, that will soon be announced on our website at New events coming soon!

Individuals, organizations and businesses interested in hosting a fundraiser or join the fundraising committee for the BWW’s Capital Campaign should reach out to There are an unlimited number of ways to fundraise for our cause that can be mutually beneficial.

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