Bike Walk Wichita at REI

Event Information
May 28, 2023
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Location
2774 N Greenwich Rd
Wichita, KS

Bike Walk Wichita Info Table at REI

— REI is having its anniversary sale and has invited BWW to host a table!

Come by and visit REI.  If interested in City Bike riding and Trail riding, our BWW info table will provide information, as well as information on improving Biking and Walking in and around the city.

If interested in helping, there are two, 2-hour shifts you can sign up for below to volunteer:

Upcoming Events

Presented By: Bike Walk Wichita
July 14, 2024
2:00 pm

ReCycle Shop accepts all bike donations: Drop off at our HQ