Hope you found a ride to join on this great morning!

I started this morning with Roy Griffin  on the Oz Eastside Saturday moderate pace ride. There were just 3 of us this chilly morning but Roy says everyone is welcome, he will stay with the slowest rider. I left them after a bit and rode alongside folks from the Wichita Triathlon Team for a while, that’s a whole different kind of riding – one on one training in a team.

So many opportunities to ride in our community, be sure to check out the calendar to find someone to ride with. Or go on your own, as I did to finish my ride on some of the gravel roads south of town. Glad to see the ladder is still there at 127th and Kellogg!

Get out and ride, no matter how fast or far. The more riders out there the safer and more visible we all are. Enjoy the spring weather!

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