Influencer Shirts are here!

Bike Walk Wichita Members power our work and are truly transforming ICT before our eyes! This year we rolled out our Membership+ Levels to help ramp up efforts, and we are already seeing more people out walking + riding, more bikes earned or adopted, and more residents engaging in important bike/ped advocacy! THANK YOU!

If you are an Influencer or Sustainer level Member, your thank you t-shirt has arrived! The artwork was designed by our very own Executive Director Kim Neufeld. Shirts can be picked up at BWW HQs Friday/Saturday 1-4pm or at the Aug 25th Wheels to Reels event. Your $10/month is making a difference.

Interested in BWW Membership+ Levels? Check out our simple options for helping drive efforts in ICT forward…and the thank you swag is pretty cool too. Your membership today powers our work tomorrow, join us!

Bike Chain Paracord bracelet, Bike Tire earrings, Bike Tire stamp, Bike Tube Keychain, set of BWW etched glasses are mostly upcycled from un-usable bike parts by our crafty volunteers!

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