January 2012 Meeting Notes
Thank you to all that were able to make the first BWA meeting in 2012. We had a record attendance of 15, which included some new faces. Our intention is to identify the action points that need to be addressed in the near future and quickly re-cap the highlights of the meeting discussion.
WAMPO Meeting Monday:
Jane Byrnes, BWA member, is speaking at City Council Monday, Jan. 23 at 10am (City Hall, 10th Floor). She will be proposing to the city that they conduct a “Trail Count” to help provide statistical data about how many people are using existing paths and trails in the area. Currently, the City and WAMPO do not have any data related to walking and cycling. This data is crucial in helping to shape the future of pathway plans in our city. If accepted, volunteers will be needed to conduct the survey on behalf of the city. This will likely take place in May, 2012. Volunteers will be trained, and the counts will be conducted on specific days and times. Please attend this meeting to show the City your support for this project. The public is always invited to City Council meetings.
Butler County “Redbud Trail” Update:
Members of the BWA attended the recent Butler County/Andover meeting about the future of the Redbud Path and its potential venture into the neighboring city and county. If approved by the City & County, it is our understanding that they will be applying in 2012 for Federal TE (Transportation Enhancment) Grants, administered by K-DOT. This would be a huge win for the Wichita Metro Area outdoor enthusiasts, especially for the cities of Andover and Augusta. Please contact your Butler County resident friends, and encourage them to weight in on the conversation, and show support for this project. Ruth Holiday (The Bicycle Pedaler) is a resident of Butler County, and has expressed to the City/County administrators that she would be a contact point for supporters. Please show your support for this project by asking Ruth how you can help.
Discussion Highlights and Agreements
Energy & Sustainability Conference -Sat. Jan 28th, Century II: BWA members will staff a cycling booth from 9 am- 4 pm. The location will be forwarded; members will ride and display their bikes to the public.
Midtown Trail Cleanup: Sunday, Jan. 22nd @ 2 pm/meet at 13th & Market. Bring a bag!
Three-Foot Rule Educational Campaign: We agreed to pursue this campaign. This will educate the public and fund raise for the BWA! The BWA will produce a special T-Shirt within the next few weeks. Stay tuned.
‘Ride the Divide’ Movie & Fundraiser: Marty has the DVD and will locate a possible theater to show the mountain bike movie; Barry will assist. This can be fun and raise funds for the BWA.
Bike Month Planning Meeting: Jack and Jennifer will attend meeting on Weds, Feb. 1st @ 6pm at the Central Branch YMCA.
Web site Domain Update: BWA members agreed to pay to keep the current Internet domain name. Andrew will be renewing only the .org domain, and let the .net, .info and .com go away, in order to save money.
Tour de Cure: RaeAnn Moreno will attend the Feb. 16th meeting and offer a registration discount. BWA members can join Monte Shaw’s team [CFC Loan Arrangers].
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, February 16th @6:30 pm/City Arts Bldg/2nd fl – Bd. Rm.