Jose’s First Bike: Mission Moments

It appeared at first like any other bike giveaway – we’ve given away more than 130 kids bikes since September. But Carey, our lead ReCycle volunteer, noticed the keening sound from the 5 year old in the lobby while the Grandfather came in to look at bikes. From her experience, she recognized “Jose” as a special needs kid, and so made sure to operate through the Grandmother, she let her be the one to give the bike to the child. The noises stopped, and like we see so often, once his hand gripped the handlebar this was HIS bike. He wouldn’t even get off while Carey fitted the training wheels. No matter, she was used to this, and seeing the boy’s eagerness to get out and ride his new bike she hurried to make final adjustments. Once out on the sidewalk with his bike, our new friend couldn’t wait to roll. 

While Jose rode, Carey explained to Grandfather the importance of having a physical outlet for autistic kids like “Jose”. Cycling can provide a wonderful benefit, both with physical health but also with emotional/mental health. The ability to master a physical object like a bicycle, to use it to explore, to broaden horizons, can lead to significant growth. There’s fine and gross motor control, the ability to participate with others, fresh air, exercise.

In the end though, it’s not really about the bike. Instead this Mission Moment highlights how YOUR support and donations allow Bike Walk Wichita volunteers to make connections and change lives in Wichita. By sharing what we love to do, we provide a bridge between members of our community, and give hope and opportunity to countless people. As we finished up talking with Grandpa, we went out and couldn’t see Jose – he and grandma had ridden all the way past the corner and around the next block. Grandpa went trotting away with a huge grin to catch up to the new cyclist.

Thank you to our BWW volunteers and to everyone donating opportunities and spreading bike love! #MissionMoments

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  • Jack Murphy says:

    This was such a simple seeming event, a kid got a new bike. But I remember thinking as we watched him roll away on his bike that this could be a significant inflection point in his growth. And what’s interesting is how many of these kinds of stories we hear, maybe not quite as dramatic as this one but each week we someone tells us how getting a bike made a difference in their daily life. Thanks for doing what you do to help our community!

  • Justin says:

    What a powerful story. It makes me think about my first bike. It felt like flying.

    Thanks for sharing it.

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