Our Bike Jams are a great way for kids to learn safety!

Our Bike Jams, events where we provide bike safety education and give away kid’s bikes have been a big hit! These fun events allow kids to learn how to be better cyclists, whether they are young sidewalk riders or are hitting the road to get places like school. We’ve even had 11 year olds come to more than one Bike Jam, a sure sign of success!

The next Bike Jam event is on March 13th 1-3pm at Edgemoor Park. We can always use volunteers to help! Sign up to be a Bike Jam mechanic or assistant here: https://bikewalkwichita.org/volunteer/

Volunteers from Bike Walk Wichita lead neighborhood kids in a “slow roll” around Fairmount Park during the Bike Jam.
Bike Jams are a great way to make a direct impact on the health of our community. Encouraging youth riders, giving them a fun and challenging skills course along with on street guidance, is one of Bike Walk Wichita’s most important outreach programs. And we can’t do it without our volunteers!





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