Redbud Trail In Jeopardy?

Advocacy Alert graphic
We need your help! The Butler County Commission has invited the public for a Butler County Informational meeting on Tuesday, May 26th, at 6:30 p.m. in El Dorado (4th  floor of County Court House).
A few weeks ago we sent postcards out informing the adjacent land owners of the work we are doing on the Redbud Trail between Andover and Augusta, and this has brought out several landowners who are opposed to the trail and quite vocal in their opposition. Although the federal government compensated some of them for the land, many of those opposed thought we would never get this far and are now scrambling. We need you to join AARTI in a show of support for the trail.
The Butler County Commission will likely vote on the Redbud Trail on June 2nd at 9 a.m. during their regular session at the County Courthouse. They have already approved some work on the trail, and signed an MOU with AARTI in March. A delay right now would set us back months – we have already received the Sunflower Foundation grant, we have the volunteers in place through AmeriCorps NCCC and we have momentum.
The Redbud Trail is crucial to the health of our community, and provides a place for walking, jogging or riding bicycles close to home. Can you commit to joining us on May 26th?Whether or not you can attend, please also send an email to the Butler County Commissioners, the County Administrator and the Economic Development Director. This is a serious stumbling block we did not expect.  If you are a Butler County resident please make that known. The more they hear from trail supporters (and voters) the better!
Sample letter text:
Dear County Commissioner,We need safe and healthy access to outdoor opportunities, and request that you allow the cities of Andover and Augusta and their partner AARTI (Andover Augusta Rail Trail Initiative) to fulfill their pledge to complete the Redbud Trail to help create a healthier community. Beyond the physical transformation of the abandoned railway, trails help promote healthy, active lifestyles and build community. Time is of the essence – a Sunflower Trails grant was approved in May and volunteers are secured through AmeriCorps NCCC through the end of June. Your support is crucial to the project’s success.Sincerely,
Contact information:
Butler County Commission
Butler County Courthouse
205 W Central
El Dorado, Ks 67042
(316) 322-4300
District 1:  Jeff Masterson
District 2:  Peggy Palmer
District 3:  Ed Myers   
District 4:  Mike Wheeler
District 5:  Dan Woydziak
County Administrator:  Will Johnson
Economic Development:  David Alfaro

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  • Janet & David Hh Janet & David Hopkins says:

    We will definitely be contacting Dan Woydziak who just happens to live on our neighborhood.

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