Redbud Trail Supporters!

Advocacy Alert graphic

The vote to approve our plan to improve the trail is scheduled for the Butler County Commission meeting:

Tuesday Evening, June 23 at 6:30 PM
Butler County Courthouse
205 W Central Ave # 205
El Dorado, KS 67042

They have again called a special meeting specifically to consider our plan. Your past support has been wonderful and we need to call on you one more time. We have the funding and resources to make this into a real hike/bike path, and now is the time to act!

We can be sure that opponents to the trail that will turn out to the meeting. They have complained that the trail will only benefit a “handful of people”. We need to show them with numbers that this is an opportunity they can’t afford to pass up!

Please write to the county commissioners to urge them to vote yes! Feel free to use the sample below, or to write your own letter. It is especially important if you are a resident of Butler County and live near the trail.

Dear County Commissioner,

Please vote YES to approve the plan by AARTI to improve the Redbud trail in Butler County. This opportunity to provide safe and appealing access to outdoor activities simply can’t be passed up.

RailTrails have been shown time and again to provide multiple benefits to their surrounding communities. They improve quality of life, promote healthy lifestyles, improve property values, plus add environmental and economic benefits.

Let’s make the rail corridor into a resource rather than an eyesore. All of this is possible without costing the county or its residents any money at all. AARTI has done their job lining up the funding and the resources to make this happen. Now do yours and approve their plan.

Yours sincerely,

Butler County Commission
Butler County Courthouse
205 W Central
El Dorado, Ks 67042
(316) 322-4300

District 1: Jeff Masterson
District 2: Peggy Palmer
District 3: Ed Myers
District 4: Mike Wheeler
District 5: Dan Woydziak
County Administrator: Will Johnson
Economic Development: David Alfaro


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