Safe City Cycling class

Riding in traffic is smooth when you’re prepared with the knowledge and skills to avoid potential conflicts. In this class, you’ll learn how to ride safely on the streets, how to be visible and predictable to motorists and how to best position yourself on the road. Even experienced cyclists might be surprised at how much they can learn about safe cycling. Students will take the classroom portion online at their own leisure and then spend four hours with certified cycling instructors practicing on the bike. We will have parking lot drills to practice bike handling skills and avoidance maneuvers, and then we’ll put it all together and practice it on the road. Materials for the online portion can be found here.  The quiz can be found here:
Contact for information.

Class is held at Bike Walk Wichita. Space limited to 8 adults (14 and older).

The class costs $15. The class is Sunday July 21st, 2019  /  1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. –> Sign-up on the Bike Walk Wichita > Educate > Bike Skills Classes web page OR Register at:

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