Sculpture WalkAbout in Old Town

sculpture-walkabout-tour-booklet-2016_page_01Wichita’s sculpture walkabout is a very cool year-long art exhibit in the Old Town/Downtown area. Sculptures are located in Old Town north Mosley and Mead between Douglas and Second Streets and on the INTRUST Bank Arena plaza.

The artistic program was initiated to showcase work by area artists and contribute to the “walkable” quality of the city. All of the art in the exhibit is available for purchase, but it will remain in the walkabout until new artwork is installed the following year.

A self-guided walking tour of all the sculptures is a fun and FREE way to get out and enjoy the city on a nice day. You can pick up a pocket guide at CityArts in Old Town Square or download a pdf version.


The 2016/2017 Sculpture Walkabout features 13 works from artists Rollin Karg, Ed Langston, Sam Shoffner, Marc Durfee, Conrad Snider, and Greg Johnson. Open through the Fall of 2017.

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