2019 Wichita by Bike (Intro to biking in ICT)

With all the new bike projects, this year in 2019, you may not know about some of the best places to ride in Wichita. You’ve done the neighborhood, done the park, now where to ride? Learn how to take advantage of all the great bicycling resources in our city, as well as the basics of safe riding with certified instructors. After classroom instruction we’ll practice skills in our parking lot then go ride some of the best bike facilities in Wichita. Also, information about riding in Wichita and videos on safe riding can be found here.
Contact info@bikewalkwichita.org for information.

The class costs $15 Contact info@bikewalkwichita.org for information. The class is Saturday May 25th, 2019  /  1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Check out our Bike Walk Wichita > Educate > Bike Skills Classes web page for more current information.

(2022 update: BWW has moved, visit our website footer for our new address).

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