Time to Celebrate! KDOT to fund 2 Local Trail/Path Projects!

Friends, there is great news to share.  KDOT has awarded funding for the Redbud Trail pedestrian and bicycle path along the abandoned Burlington Northern/Santa Fe rail corridor! This news comes after several months of advocating and waiting, and the news couldn’t have been any better.  Your letters of support to KDOT were very important, and the message was well received. In fact, it was noted by KDOT, that one of the reasons for the decision was because of community support for the project.

Thank you to all that gave your time and effort towards this project. We will be looking forward to the “design phase” of this project. Once a ground breaking ceremony is established, we will make sure to post the date/time/location.

In other good news, a Bicycle/Pedestrian trail for the City of Derby was awarded by the same KDOT grant program. Congratulations to The City of Derby!

To read more, click here for an article posted by the Wichita Business Journal Online Edition.

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