Urban Street Design Guide Brown Bag – May 22nd

Brown Bag Talk – National Guidance for Street Design

NACTO street design

Have you ever wanted to learn about how cities throughout the country are designing streets to be safer, healthier, more livable, and economically vibrant?

This is your chance to learn about best practice design guidance from the National Association of Transportation Officials (NACTO). Don’t miss out on this free one-hour brown bag session providing an overview of the Urban Street Design Guide. The NACTO design guidance is being used to help transform communities by increasing transportation options and improving safety for all types of people. This session will provide an overview of the guide’s purpose and its contents, including the following design topics.

  • Protected bicycle lanes
  • Bicycle boulevards
  • Crossings
  • Transit facilities
  • Interim / temporary design strategies

RSVP is required. Seating is limited to the first 30 individuals who RSVP. Register today by emailing swadle@wichita.gov or calling 316.352.4855.

The session presenter is Paul Supawanich, Senior Associate with Nelson Nygaard. Paul assists communities across the country to improve transportation systems with transit riding, bicycling, and walking. He is currently working on a system analysis for Wichita Transit. His work includes substantial roles in the development of the MARC Complete Streets Handbook, Chicago Complete Streets Design Guidelines, and NACTO Urban Street Design Guidelines. His research and work has been featured in numerous publications, including Next City, Good Magazine, the Atlantic Cities, and the Washington Post.

Event Details

Date: Friday, May 22, 2015
Time: noon – 1 pm
Location: Downtown YMCA 402 N. Market Street, Board Room
Costs: Free

This event is a brown bag event. Participants are encouraged to bring their lunch with them, food will not be provided. Please contact Scott Wadle (contact info above) with any questions.

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