Get Involved, Volunteer – Events

BWW Monthly – Events:

2nd Sunday Slow Roll + Stroll

Our 2nd Sunday walks and rides are meant to be at a very casual pace. Our walks are usually shorter in the warmer months. Bring water is recommended. If you want to help out as a Walk or Ride assistant, sign up on our BWW Events page

Midtown Trail Cleanup

Midtown Trail Cleanup

Bike Walk Wichita supports the local community in many ways. One of those ways is helping keep the community Midtown Trail and multipath clean while helping the environment.

Join us every 3rd Sunday, at 2 pm. We meet at 13th & Market. Clean up for 30-45 minutes and then have pie at the local Riverside coffee house!

Annual Events BWW is involved:

Tour de Wichita

Tour de Wichita Tour de Wichita is a Sunday afternoon adventure + party that supports two great causes: Bike Walk Wichita and Great Plains Diabetes. The urban ride and walks highlight Wichita’s attractions, neighborhoods, paths, art, and architecture! The party at the WAVE includes live music, good fun + beverages, and activities for all ages.

When:  Tour de Wichita is scheduled annually in the Spring commencing in April.

Multiple Volunteers help with the Tour de Wichita. Sign up shifts available a month before the event:

Open Streets – WSU, NoMar, Douglas Ave.

Enjoy a day of biking, fun physical activities, music, dancing, and much more!  All Wichitans get active and socialize at the major activity hubs situated every mile along the four-mile stretch.  Visitors will be able to cruise along the open street on bikes, skateboards, or walk and stop at activity hubs, shop businesses on the route, and visit food and street vendors while listening to music.  ​No motorized vehicles of any kind are allowed.

When:  Open Streets is scheduled throughout the year in Wichita. Open Streets WSU – early spring. Open Streets NoMar – 5 May, and Open Streets Douglas ave – in the fall.

Volunteers help with BWW’s info table. Sign up shifts available a month before the event:

Riverfest BWW Bike Valet

Come be a part of Wichita’s biggest party! Bike Walk Wichita at Riverfest. We provide safe parking for bikes each day of the Riverfest, helping to reduce the number of cars on the road and helping folks burn off that funnel cake.

The Bike Valet location is at Civic Center Pl Drive, on Douglas (between Waco St. and Wichita St.)  It’s also a perfect spot to listen to outdoor concerts.

When:  Bike Valet is scheduled annual in May-June.

Volunteers help with the Bike Valet and Bike Walk Wichita Info Table. Sign up shifts available a month before the event:

Neighborhood Walks / Walking Wednesdays

Walking Wednesdays 2023 are scheduled mostly in the Spring and Fall. We’ll be taking a break during the summer warmer months. Thanks to all who participated in April and May!

For specific times and locations, click on the button below:

Below, scroll for all current + future Walk Assistant volunteer signups:

2022 Fairmount Walking grp and Cierra

Fairmount Walks and Rides

Check here for more upcoming Ride/Walk events and volunteer opportunities below. Also, check out our Bike Walk Wichita Facebook Events page.

Each month (usually Sat or Sun) we meet at Fairmount Park, (15th & Gentry St.) for a neighborhood walk, sign up to volunteer below …


Fairmount Page: Walks and Rides

Evergreen Walks and Rides

Evergreen Neighborhood rides and walks can be found here: FaceBook Events. You can find more information about Bike Walk Wichita’s involvement with the Evergreen Neighborhood, by clicking on the link below.


Evergreen Page: Walks and Rides


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