Volunteer Spotlight – Sean

Oct 2020

Sean doesn’t really like the spotlight, but we’re shining our Volunteer Spotlight on him for a good reason. Our ReCycle Shop can’t work without friends like Sean, who has been a regular for close to a year. Sean and his dad first learned about Bike Walk Wichita at one of our Operation Firefly events, where we partner with community police officers to distribute free bicycle lights. Soon after that he started volunteering in our ReCycle shop.

Sean reflects our mission, to make biking and walking safe, equitable and appealing in the quiet way he shares his knowledge with anyone he can help. Everyone is welcome in ReCycle, and we’re all learning as we work together to get bikes ready to roll to be given to someone who needs a bike. Sean has worked hard in ReCycle to learn more about bike repair and is glad to teach what he’s learned. Sean told me how appreciative he is about the opportunity to learn from our ReCycle Coordinators, “I told Zeke the day he left he taught me half of what I know, he taught me so much. I’ve learned so much I can take care of my bike now, I couldn’t do it before, I didn’t have the knowledge.”

He’s learning more than just bike skills too. Now that he’s a regular our Coordinators are asking him to lead task groups more, getting things done around the shop. “I don’t want to be too bossy”, Sean says, and even though Big John calls him that sometimes things are getting done! And I can’t really imagine Sean being bossy, he’s just too nice of a guy. But he will tell you what needs to be done and expect you’ll do it. That kind of leadership from a volunteer is a key part of our success, and I hope Sean keeps coming back.

— Story by Jack M.

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