Women Bike ICT

Have you heard?  The Bike Walk Wichita ladies are starting a movement.  We have hosted several Ladies’ Night events and heard from women across the city and region that expressed interest for more rides, workshops, events and meet-ups.

So, are you ready to roll ladies?  We have several events coming soon, so stay tuned and we will post the details next week.  You can also find us on Twitter at #womenbikeICT for the latest news.

We are just getting started, so if you are interested in helping us grow…let us know!  We are a project of Bike Walk Wichita.

Happy riding.

Join the Discussion

  • Aaron Santry says:

    How does my wife get on an email listing of your evvents? Also, I run 4 twitter accounts, 3 of which are cycling related. I am using these hashtags: #bikewichita for road riding and #mtbwichita for off road. You can follow or tweet to me at @ksSingletrack and @bicyclepedaler.


    • Kim says:

      Hi Aaron! I’ve just started helping BWW manage their social media and have noticed that we need to add an “Follow Us” feature on our site. I see part of your comment (it’s cut off) that looks like you have lots of experience in these areas…we could definitely use some assistance or guidance. I will be updating the Women Bike page on the website today and adding a Twitter account and an email newsletter soon. YIKES! Kim

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